2023-2024 Covid-19 Information & Updates

Our Commitment

As a small, holistic relationship-based school, we are deeply committed to guiding your children in their continuing educational journey with your partnership and collaboration. Salmonberry is committed to maintaining its presence as a community of care, especially during challenging times.  Salmonberry strives to be the center to which we know we can each return, where we will be held with love, compassion and understanding.  While we have your children in our care, we hold the responsibility for each child’s physical and emotional safety with great reverence and as our highest priority. 


 Salmonberry opens for the 2023-2024 school year on September 7th. We will continue to maintain our best covid-safe practices  for the safety and wellness of our students, faculty, and staff.

We know that our relationships, connections, and common goals will carry us through this challenging time.

Please understand that the information contained on this website is subject to change at any time, depending on the course of the virus and guidance from state and local officials.


Below is a summary of the procedures that we will implement for the 2023-2024 school year. 


If a student or faculty/staff member has symptoms, tests positive for, or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed case (with or without symptoms), please stay home and notify the school  of the symptoms or exposure.

Salmonberry will follow the guidance of the San Juan County Health Department using this documentwhen assessing symptoms and handling any possible cases of COVID-19. Exact steps that the school will take will be determined in partnership with San Juan County Health on a case-by-case basis, but below is a summary of what families may expect in the event of  COVID-19 symptoms on campus. Please note that this information may change at any time, due to the course of the virus and guidance from state and local officials.

If a student, child, or staff tests positive for COVID-19: 

They are required to isolate at home or where they are currently residing, regardless of vaccination status. The individual may return after 5 full days of isolation if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms have improved and they have had no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.

Day 0 is the first day of symptoms. For people without symptoms, day 0 is the day of the positive viral test.

Symptoms on campus: In the event that a student or faculty/staff member starts showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 while on campus, the school will isolate the person, contact the family, and require pick up or departure from school.

Confirmed Student or Faculty Case of COVID-19: If the school becomes aware that a student or faculty member has tested positive for COVID-19, the school will notify SJC to identify the proper course of action. Additionally, the Salmonerry will notify the school community of a positive case.

Confirmed Family Member Case of COVID-19: Please notify school adminstration if a family member of a student or faculty member tests positive for COVID-19.