Salmonberry Expansion Project

Our deepest thanks to everyone who helped to make our dream of a new classroom for the school’s expansion a reality. We are thrilled to announce that after a significant and unexpected delay with the building approval process at the state level, our new building will be ready for delivery on January 18!
More details to come soon!


Here at Salmonberry, after twenty years of serving between 35 and 42 students each year, applications and enrollment have been swelling. Next year we will enroll 60 students, with more on our growing waitlist. Our sense is that this increased interest is due in part to parents’ reprioritizing the choices we make for our life and our children. It feels more critical than ever to craft a way of living that aligns one’s core values with one’s life decisions, and the child-centered, holistic education we have been providing for two decades now seems to be an even more essential piece of that puzzle.        
In response to this increased demand, Salmonberry is stretching all of its available resources to fund an expansion,  re-allocating some of our cash reserves, borrowing additional funds and tapping donors and friends — YOU! — to allow us to construct a new green-built modular classroom, and in September our little 3-room school house will become 4! 


Pictured here are our multi-age Kindergarten and elementary buildings that currently hold the Salmon, Cedar, & Eagles classrooms.
With the addition of a 4th program named Otters, we must also add a fourth brick & mortar classsroom to hold them! And so it is that the existing south parking lot will become the site for the new building.

Green Built Elements to Include:

~Ecosmart sheetrock

~No VOC Paint

~Insulation package 15% higher than code requirements

~Window U-values exceeding code requirements

~Self-dimming LED lights

~Low water use plumbing fixtures (pressure assisted)

~High energy efficient mini-split HVAC


Below are images of the new classroom building.


For those of you who might be able to consider a gift towards the costs of the new building, please email Head of School Paul Freedman at to discuss, or if you prefer, simply click the button below to make a PayPal donation towards the building fund. We must raise $100K to fully fund the construction and installation costs.

Your contribution would be deeply appreciated.

Soon we will be announcing an in-person summer fundraising event celebrate our 20th anniversay.

As always, on behalf of Salmonberry’s Board, staff and past, present and future students, THANK YOU for all you do to support this incredible little school with a big heart.